
【New Release】FACELESS LITE / 18L / BEIGE

¥16,500 税込





FACELESSの特徴やコンセプトはそのままに、ミニマルに仕上げた『FACELESS LITE』。

「世代や性別を問わず ライフスタイルの変化に寄り添いながらファッションとして楽しめるメッセンジャーバッグを…」をコンセプトに企画設計したのが、『FACELESS LITE』です。

カジュアルなタウンユースを意識したドリンクホルダーや肩掛けしやすいパッド付のシンプルなショルダーベルトへとカスタマイズしており、普段の通勤・通学での使用や、子育て世代に向けた男女兼用の『マザーズバッグ / ペアレントバッグ』としてもご使用いただけます。


FACELESS LITE” is a minimalist version of FACELESS with the same features and concept.

FACELESS LITE was designed based on the concept of “a messenger bag that can be enjoyed as a fashion item while accompanying changing lifestyles regardless of generation or gender.

While maintaining the same features as the FACELESS, such as carrying comfort, flaps, and interchangeable parts, the bag has been modified to a compact 18L size.
It is customized with a drink holder for casual town use and a simple padded shoulder belt that makes it easy to carry on the shoulder, making it suitable for everyday use as a commuter bag or as a unisex “mother's bag/parent's bag” for those raising children.


【About Messenger Bag -バッグ本体について-】

本体素材に摩擦や引裂に強い610デニールコーデュラナイロン生地を採用。内装には210デニールナイロンを使用したMessenger Bagです。

The body material is made of 610 denier cordura nylon fabric that is resistant to friction and tearing. It is a messenger bag that uses 210 denier nylon for the interior.


【Function -機能-】


・The flap is detachable and can be replaced with a design flap (sold separately).
・It can also be used without the flap, like a tote bag slung over the shoulder.
・The shoulder strap is interchangeable. (The strap will be sold separately.) ・Sub strap attached to the back.
・A sub-strap is attached to the back of the bag. By connecting it to the shoulder strap and fastening it at three points, the load can be dispersed and a sense of hold can be enhanced.
・This reduces the burden on the body caused by the weight, which has been an issue when using a shoulder bag, and provides a comfortable feel.

【Material -素材-】
外装:610D高密度CORDURA®スパンナイロンオックス(表面:撥水加工 裏面:PUコーティング)
内装:210D Nylon OX(PUコーティング)

【Size -サイズ-】
W:430mm / H:340mm / D:135mm
本体収納部/Main Storage:18L

【Color -色-】
BEIGE / ベージュ

【Weight -重量-】
470g (Bag 620g+Flap 120g)

  • 送料・配送方法について

  • お支払い方法について

¥16,500 税込

